You performed a search for: Subjects: Music festivals

There are 2 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Address Office Phone Hours

Map RecordCity of Brampton, Economic Development & Culture, Cyril Clark Theatre

Map RecordCity of Brampton, Economic Development & Culture, Cyril Clark Theatre Theatre located in the Cyril Clark Library * operated by the City of Brampton * offers community theatre productions and recitals 20 Loafers Lake Lane
Brampton, ON L6Z 1X9
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905-874-2844 ext 62801 Rose Theatre Box Office open Mon-Sat 10:00am - :006pm
Lester B Pearson Theatre Box Office open Fri-Sat 12noon - 6:00pm

Map RecordCity of Brampton. Economic Development and Culture, Theatres, Lester B Pearson Theatre

Map RecordCity of Brampton. Economic Development and Culture, Theatres, Lester B Pearson Theatre Theatre offers community theatre productions and recitals. Rental opportunities available Civic Centre
150 Central Park Dr
Brampton, ON L6T 2T9
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Rose Theatre Box Office 905-874-2800;  
Lester B Pearson Theatre Box Office 905-874-2800 
Lester B Pearson Theatre Rentals 905-874-2844 ext. 62812
Lester B Pearson Theatre Fri -Sat 12noon-5pm 
Rose Theatre Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 
Both theatres also open 2 hours prior to a performance

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