You performed a search for: Subjects: Suicide prevention

There are 4 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Address Office Phone Hours

Distress Centre Halton, Georgetown Location

 Distress Centre Halton, Georgetown Location Distress line service * offers confidential listening * telephone befriending * information and referral to other community services * suicide prevention * crisis intervention * public education   905-877-0655 Phone service available everyday 24 hours

Distress Centres of Greater Toronto, Brampton, 24 Hour Helplines/Suicide Crisis Line/Multilingual Distress Lines

 Distress Centres of Greater Toronto, Brampton, 24 Hour Helplines/Suicide Crisis Line/Multilingual Distress Lines Trained volunteer responders provide support for people struggling with overwhelming emotional distress, social marginalization and mistreatment, or having thoughts of suicide. Provides free telephone ... [More]   Mississauga/Brampton: 905-459-7777 
Caledon: 1-877-298-5444 
Toronto: 416-408-4357
Admin: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm * Service Helplines: daily 24 hours * Text Line 4pm-12midnight * Multilingual Distress Lines Mon-Fri 10am-10pm

Distress Centres of Greater Toronto, Helpline

 Distress Centres of Greater Toronto, Helpline INBOUND PROGRAMS *24/7Helpline (Eng): Offers 24/7 telephone support, crisis intervention, suicide intervention and referrals to the community. Trained volunteers answer the line and provide listening, ... [More]   416-486-3180 *Helpline 24/7 
*Multi-lingual lines: Mon-Fri 10am-10pm

Map RecordTeam Unbreakable, Formerly CameronHelps

Map RecordTeam Unbreakable, Formerly CameronHelps Team Unbreakable aims to prevent teen suicide through awareness, reducing stigma and wellness and by running programs in more than 25 Ontario high schools. Their focus is to help youth lead a healthy ... [More] 230 Lake Promenade, Suite 603
Toronto, ON M8W 1B1
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416-937-5890 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

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